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Migration to AWS

Why migrate to the cloud?





savings in comparable infrastructure costs
increase in IT infrastructure efficiency
increase in the speed of delivering new features

Why BRQ?

What are the Challenges of Cloud Migration?

Cloud Journey: how does our methodology work?

  • Discovery of assets and applications
  • Evaluation of business, technologies, and data architecture
  • Analysis of infrastructure and applications
  • Macro cost estimate
  • Automated security and compliance
  • Scalable architecture for migration
  • Cloud operational model
  • Performance-tuned applications
  • Rehost: Applications migrated to the cloud without modifications, using the same infrastructure, offering benefits like scalability and availability.
  • Refactor: Applications restructured and optimized to leverage cloud-native resources like managed services for improved efficiency, scalability, and flexibility.
  • Rearquitect: Applications redesigned to maximize cloud-native services, seeking greater agility, elasticity, and operational efficiency through a more suitable cloud architecture.
  • Rebuild/New: Applications rebuilt in the cloud using cloud-native technologies, allowing greater flexibility, scalability, and utilization of specific cloud resources like microservices and containers.
  • Support in building a Data-Driven Organization
  • Data Security and Governance
  • Business insights analysis and acquisition
  • Optimizations via AI/ML

BRQ Customer Stories with AWS

Financial Services

How this client curt operational costs by 40% with migration to AWS


How we scaled up Brazil’s leading online grocery marketplace

Financial Services

How latin america’s largest private bank ensured faster payments with high system availability

Ready to get started?

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